Thursday, October 6, 2011

Random Questions in My Head

Do you ever have those days when you start to question yourself about everything? Doubt is a sneaky creeps slowly and disrupts your whole perspective about things.

Well, as you can see from the title, this post is about the random tots in my head.. Just like to share them with you.. *disclaimer: the poems are written by me, so please forgive the lack of*

Poem 1:
Staring at my reflection in this tiny mirror,
Questioning myself:
"What do I see?"
"Does my reflection reflect the truth?"
"Is this me?"

Poem 2:
I'm a dying flower,
Withered & fragile, I am,
Not knowing, in doubt,
Will I ever be a bloomed flower?
I'm thirsty & hungry, for answers I seek,
Who do I blame?
Is it the soil? The weather?
Or is it just me?

Poem 3:
What's the true meaning of LOVE?
A feeling? An indescribable emotion?
When do you know you are in LOVE?
It's just a simple BUT  powerful WORD.

I don't need extravagant words
I just need to hear those 3 simple words:
"I love you"
"I am sorry"
"I miss you"
"I, forgive you"
such words will just put a smile on my face


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